Sunday, June 16, 2013

A magazine is NOT a newsletter--and it is strange that Lisa Keen would make that mistake

Lisa Keen’s (Keen News Service) article on "Top Five LGBT Supreme Court Cases" in the 6-2-13 issue of Windy City Times is a good idea, but it is incompetent and unethical for her to refer to ONE magazine as a “newsletter.”

While she also may want to be PC, we never referred to ONE as a gay & lesbian publication—it said boldly on the cover, “The Homosexual Viewpoint.”

A journalist/historian should understand what the founders did from the very start—knowing how closeted people would try to hide from even the only available publication speaking for and to the community, a professionally done magazine. I repeat, it was understood that an amateur publication would be rejected as unimportant—so the magazine had to be done professionally, and it was.

We had a newsletter, ONE Confidential, and the first academic publication, ONE Institute Quarterly, important even though most “academics” today seem to have never heard of ONE, Incorporated’s academic work.

There is of course a book available that would give basic information on the movement/community media, Gay Press, Gay Power, edited ironically by WCT publisher, Tracy Baim.

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