Thursday, November 27, 2008


Here's something to think about. The bigots were right when they supported slavery, then when that failed, segregation of the races (by force, not by personal force). They were right when they said mixing of the "races" would lead to marriage, etc. Well, now they have proof. See: the next president of the United States, an interracial man, the result of allowing interracial marriage. Or Tiger Wood, et al. They were right even though "liberals then- and now- denied such "results" of working to bring our nation into conformity with the principles in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution (except the slavery part) and Bill of Rights. Their fears were justified.

The were right, when they said allowing homosexuals rights would lead to acceptance and even marriage—see Scalia’s thought in the Lawrence v Texas Supreme Court decision. See Barney Frank, possibly the most powerful person in the nation, during these bad economic times. And all the homosexuals on tv, etc. They were right.

They were right when they said giving women the right to vote would lead to women wanting to gain power and not obeying their husband—assuming of course that all women would be married and that—as the laws provided—the women and children would no longer be the property of the man. And now? Look at the head of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi. Look at Hillary Clinton, look at Sarah Palin, et al. They were right.

Perhaps in the effort to change things, we should consider that the bigots may see thing clearer than we do—many homosexuals have pointed out that other people, usually bullies and bigots, spotted that they were homosexual before they even knew or thought about it.

It may not lead to a change in tactics. But the battle over Proposition 8 in California may be the catalyst that finally forces the nation to think about sexuality. We are swamped by all the good discussion on all aspects of homosexuality brought up by the passage of the Proposition—perhaps forcing thinking that would not have been done if the Proposition had failed by a small vote. That would have made people think the war had been won when it has not been.

Perhaps we should be thankful that we lost.

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